Thursday, November 11, 2010


Its raining.
Im sick of looking up articles.
Its dark pretty much all the damn day long now.
My cats have not moved from their spot on our bed since I made it this morning.
I have PMS and feel like I could sleep 22 hours a day......


Mel's Way or No Way said...

It's cold, I have cramps...only made worse by the cold. Snow and rain are coming this weekend.

I think I looked like that cat this afternoon.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are purrty sure kitty agrees. BOL
Benny & Lily

* said...

I don't really get PMS anymore...I'm going through the 'change' early in life, but I can relate to feeling 'blah'.

I hope you feel better some cookies, drink some tea and put your feet up and relax.