Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Monday {6th ed.}

Im actually very very happy that it is Monday this week! Last week was horrible and needs to be laid to rest, its a new day.....

Boots with colored tights
I just love this look! I finally found some boots too (thanks mom!) so as soon as I find some fun tights, I will be set!!

Reading that is truly just for fun :)
I started the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series... 
yup, its meant for 9-12 years olds! I likely won't read them all, but its so refreshing to just read without really thinking! There is also just something great about adolescent books, they have a specific smell I think. It is the best of all the book smells and it completely takes me back to my childhood.....ahh, memories!

I know I have gushed already about my love of fall, so I will spare you and just include a cute picture :)
Yam fries at the Bohemian
I am truly sorry to all of you non-Seattleites because I am going to introduce you to something that you will want to hop on a plane for!! (but to all you Seattleites, I would love to go with you!) The Bohemian is a wonderfully quirky little restaurant that I absolutely love! They have these yam fries that are served with 3 different sauces, one is a lavender honey, the combination is honestly a little slice of heaven!! Its was a rough week last week too so guess what? I went and ordered these twice! (ha! take that, crappy week!)
Thats all for me this week, Im determined to make it a better one! What makes you happy lately?!


Mel's Way or No Way said...

Let the annual pumpkin carving sweetie is just itching to get started. Last year we had eight carved pupkins on our porch for Halloween.

Those fries look so good. Another reason to come to Seattle.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Yea for finding fall boots!

I am happy that the weather is still super mild here! It was sunny and in the 60s on Friday. Love it.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Love all those pun kinds lady. We carved a Frenchie one. Go see
Benny & Lily

* said...

Love the boots, the whole look actually. Fall has such great fashiony looks. :-)

I love the weather right now...that is what is making me happy!

Heathrow's World said...

Um those fries sound AMAZING. And lavender honey? Holy crap that would be awesome. I would never think to mix that with yam fries though? I need to look up some recipes.

crystal said...

Everyone seems to love the yam fries idea...I say we make a big date of it!! :)