Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Monday {3rd ed.}

Happy Monday everyone!! Here's what makes me happy right now :)

The 2 blue pits that I am petsitting right now
C and G (have to protect their identity!) How freaking cute are they? They are such sweethearts and have the most personality, I just love them!

I really need a pair! I always see some that I love on someone, but just cant seem to find the right ones...
Also though, I think its a necessity for keeping pant legs dry here in Seattle winters. (thats what I tell myself at least!)

I know I have mentioned my love for audiobooks before, but I really don't even know how I ever drove before I discovered them! I actually enjoy, and even look forward to driving now :) I also don't feel guilty about reading "guilty pleasure" types of books when I listen to them instead. Plus, the library has tons to choose from, its free entertainment!
Im currently listening to this one

and I recently finished this one
Both of them had me driving around the block or sitting in my car wanting to hear more!

Handmade soaps and shampoo bars
I have been ordering our soaps lately from Dress Green on Etsy. We get hand soap, shower soap, shampoo bars, and even shaving bars. I love them all! They smell awesome, they have less waste and much less packaging than store bought, plus they support an independent seller rather than a big corporation. Oh, and they are fun to get in the mail because the whole package smells yummy! :)
All right, thats it for this Monday. What makes you happy right now?!


* said...

Those pits are beautiful! We have a pit/boxer mix and they really are just the sweetest, loveable dogs. :-)

Did you like 'The Scent of Rain and Lightning?" I'm in need a new read very soon, and I need to make a library trip.

Lisa's Yarns said...

My boots are def making me happy. :) I got mine at Aldo.... They were a little pricey but I figured they were a good investment!

Coffee if also making me happy... And so is the fact that I have a new boy in my life (which I am not blogging about yet because I am superstitious), but I couldn't comment about what is making me happy without mentioning him. :)

crystal said...

Kym - I did like the book, it was a good mystery. It was a bit corny, but I couldn't tell if that was the book or the readers ridiculous attempts at portraying all the voices! :)

Lisa - I love Aldo, Ill have to look there. Unfortunately that means a trip to the mall (my least favorite place!) though. Oh and a new boy...? do share! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I love DressGreen! I have been ordering shamboo bars and facial moisturizer from her for a loooong time, and she is practically local!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Those kids are purrty cute. Mom likes those soaps
Benny & Lily

crystal said...

Lynn ~ "Shamboo bars" what are those? I will have to check it out! :) hehe! Thats weird, did you tell me about her stuff or did we both just happen to find them?