Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Monday!! {1st ed.}

As some of you may have noticed, Im not so good at the weekly themed posts. I have tried furry fridays, and saturday photohunts...but I just don't seem to keep up with them. Quite often though, I find something that I am excited about or that makes me happy and I want to share it, but it's not enough for an entire post. Plus, I never post on Mondays and yet I really like reading other peoples Monday posts because they seem to set the mood for the week. So I thought to myself, what better way to get into the weekly groove than with a bright optimistic Monday theme?! So, here it is "Happy Mondays" (apparently Im not feeling too creative!). Im going to post a list of the random things that make me happy or that I am excited about for the week. Sounds cheery and fun right?! Lets find out....

New shows!
All my favorite shows come back this week, yay!
Castle ~ Have you seen this show? Its such a fun twist on the worn out police drama, I love it!
Modern Family ~ Only the best comedy out right now! (I would say ever, but nothing will ever top Friends!)
Glee ~ Ok, so there is a tie for best comedy! Ive been having Sue withdrawals...
The Office and Greys Anatomy ~ I love both of these, I wish they would quit scheduling them at the same damn time!

United States of Tara!
While we are on the topic of tv, I just discovered this show and it is awesome! If you have not seen it, go rent season 1 on dvd. Its about a woman with Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalites) and it is such a great depiction of it. Its a comedy but yet they don't disrespect the disorder with insulting jokes (in my opinion anyways). I just love her family, they handle it perfectly and don't try to hide it. Plus they are working together to get to the root of why she split...I could go on forever, but basically its just awesome! (If anyone has seen it, who is your favorite alter? Im partial to Buck!)

This is my favorite season. I love it all; the weather, the leaves, wearing big comfy sweatshirts, lazy Sundays drinking coffee under a blanket, crockpot meals! I saw pumpkins for sale a few days ago and suddenly realized that it was fall, its funny how certain things start a season off for you. What marks the beginning of fall for you?

Ive been a bit out of the yoga practice for about a month due to lack of money...but I am determined to get back into it. I just love the feeling of being grounded and centered that always follows a good yoga class. In terms of self care, its right up there with therapy for me!
This video is amazing! I just ordered the Skidless mat towel that she is using...so watch out, soon I will look like this!! (right.....I can barely do a shoulder stand! someday...)

Ok, thats Happy Mondays! What do you think? We will see how long it lasts :) Oh, and yes, I do realize that its technically Tuesday now, I just got the idea a bit too late! :)


* said...

I love love love "United States of Tara". We've been watching it since the beginning, as well as "Dexter" and "Nurse Jackie".

I like Alice the best I think on USofT...it really is a well written and acted show.

I just love fall and all the new shows that come on. :-)

Lisa's Yarns said...

I totally spaced that Glee started this week so forgot to set my DVR... Will have to catch it on Hulu or something like that!

I think this is a good idea for a weekly post. :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing will be able to stop me from watching Modern Family...absolutely love that show that's filled with belly laughs.

I like your Happy Monday theme too. Monday's need all the help they can get.

crystal said...

Kym - I do like Alice, she makes me a bit nervous though...
Lisa - Glee is on tonight (yay!) so you didn't miss it!!
Jude - I know right?! I laugh to the point of tears on every episode of Modern Family!!