Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Apparently I really am an eternal student...

I just finished all my coursework and its not really having the relief filled effect that I expected. I have found myself looking for academic-y things to if this damn dissertation is academic enough!! I have actually caught myself on multiple occasions over the last few months contemplating signing up for foreign language classes! I have the community continuing education class websites bookmarked on my computer...hmm, a writing class or a review of classic literature?! Seriously Crystal, take a break from texts, deadlines, and tests!!! What is wrong with me? I was in Fred Meyer the other day and instinctively went to the school supply section. I actually started to cry when I realized that I didn't need to pick out folders and pens.

I guess I can give myself a little bit of a break. Folders, textbooks, and deadlines have been a huge part of my life for...well most of my life! Its a big change in my scholastically minded life to not have deadlines hanging over my head.

Im convinced that I will forever be intrigued by knowledge and searching for the next new bit of it to soak up. Someday, I will be able to enjoy it, taking classes I want to take and not acquiring an obscene amount of debt in order to do so. Im really excited for that! But right now I think I need a break, no more classroom learning for a while! I want to enjoy it again when I start; to be able to be fully excited to learn! Right now, its just habit and another thing to get through. But yet, its tempting....yeah, I have issues!

Oh well, I guess I still have this dissertation thing to keep me grounded for now.... (sigh)


two cat scene said...

Maybe you're just an eternal student-- nothing wrong with that. Thinking about an academic life? How about something else if you need to sign up for something... basket weaving? Knitting? Cooking? Wine making? Yeah, do that one!

* said...

Some people go to school for years and years, there isn't a thing wrong with that.
I am back in school after a 25 year 'break'...I love the whole learning scene, it does a lot for me.
I head back next week...and yay for school supplies. :-)

Lisa's Yarns said...

When I finished grad school, my family was so sure that I would be signing up for more classes... Well, it's been a year and I still have no desire to take another class! I think working and doing grad school just did me in or something? NO idea. I always loved school... I would take a foreign language class, but I think that's about it!!

Rachel said...

honey you are the biggest dork in the world and i absolutely love it!!!