Monday, December 13, 2010

The match process from hell!!!

Has anyone out there in blog land ever had to go through an internship match process?! If not, consider yourself lucky, it is the epitome of hell purgatory actually! I spent my entire summer and early fall weeding through thousands of sites to narrow it down to 15, filling out every last detail of my academic career on an online profile (Im not exaggerating, literally every detail to the minute!), writing cover letters and essays (all under 500 words, mind you, not an easy task!), hounding people to finish letters of recommendation, and trying to beef up my CV. All for what?! Now I get to *patiently* wait while the interview rejection letters slowly trickle in. Im at 8 rejections and am still waiting on 7 sites. Let me tell you, opening my email is now a panic attack waiting to happen!! Plus, if I get an interview, I have to fly across country on my non-existent salary, just to sit in front of a panel of psychologists for an entire day sweating through my misery! If I don't get an interview, I have to go through this entire process again in March, but in shortened form. And, if that doesn't pan out, I get to do what is called the "clearinghouse" which is a mad dash to fill all the positions that didn't get filled during the lottery of a match process! Why did I do this to myself........

Ok, Im off my pity train now, back to your days, which I truly hope are going much better than mine!! Im going to eat a cupcake and take some yogic breaths...


Lisa's Yarns said...

My cousin went through this last year when she was in med school and it was pure torture. The worst thing is that they get their match envelope at a reception at school. So everyone opens their envelope in public. So people are screaming for joy or bursting into tears if they aren't happy w/ their match. If you don't match anywhere, they tell you so you are not there, but it's still not a fun experience...

Good luck! Hope you match somewhere that you are happy w/!

* said...

No, sorry...I wish I could offer you some advice. I just hope you find a good match that makes you happy.

And have a cupcake, that always makes things better.

crystal said...

Thanks ladies! I just keep reminding myself that I only have a 2 more flaming hoops to jump through! Oh, and eating cupcakes definitely helps!! :)

rachelgab said...

I know it's hard in the face of daily rejection, but try to think positively. Remind yourself to think positively. You've done all the hard work and you're everything one of these sites wants and needs. You have everything it takes and it will all work out no matter what. Do a daily meditation/manifestation of this internship where you sit quietly and say to yourself "I *AM* this internship," as many times as you need to until you believe it. When you really want something, it will happen! If you build it, it will come...

Heathrow's World said...

Ugh! That sounds not fun at all. Hang in there, the right one will come along and everything will fall into place! I'll be thinking of you.