Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quotation Wednesday {34th Ed.}

I strongly believe that it is very important to experience new places, either through travel or moving. That is why I love this quote so much, because I often find myself when I travel. There is a psychological phenomenon called a dissociative fugue when someone disconnects from reality and unknowingly travels to a new place. By no means do I intend to romanticize the psychopathology of this disorder, but there is a small aspect of it, the idea of a new discovery through travel, that is quite appealing...
"Sometimes you have to travel to a new place to rediscover the old you."-Terri Trespicio
ps: thanks Lynn for sharing the quote! :)

1 comment:

Lisa's Yarns said...

I totally feel that way about my trip to Paris... I had to go all the way over there to rediscover the real me...