Monday, February 1, 2010

Pavlov would be so proud

I'm going to just go ahead and say it...I don't like screaming kids! I know, horrible child hating monster right here! Seriously though, its so annoying to be trying to eat a nice dinner, enjoy a movie, buy some groceries, or whatever daily life task you may be doing, and have to listen to some kid screaming at the top of their lungs! Now before you write me off as a horrible person; I do have sympathy for both the kid and the parent when I see that the kid is in pain or something and when the parent is attending to their child and trying to remedy the situation. That circumstance is valid and does not annoy me in the least. BUT when the kid is screaming bloody murder because he wants a video game or some overpriced toy that their mom won't buy them, and the parent just lets it go on...that is not ok! The world doesn't need to suffer because of your spoiled kid and lack of adequate parenting.

Why is this coming up? For some reason, I have felt surrounded by screaming brats this weekend. Thats right, "brats" not the valid screamers! The last straw though; I was just in Target and this kid who was probably 5 or 6 was screaming so loud that you would have thought his legs were being sawed off. Much to my despair, I wound up in the same aisle with the kid and his mom. He was screaming because he wanted a candy bar and his mom was on her G.D. cell phone! As it turns out, we were on the same shopping path, even though I tried to change mine multiple times. The kid screamed the entire time and of course, the mom was on her cell phone the entire time talking about some party and this "jerk on facebook"! After hearing this for the entire 45 minutes I was in Target, they ended up in the same line as me (lucky me!) and what did the mom finally do? She gave in, told the person on the phone to hold on, and yelled at her son to "just go get the damn candy bar!" Awesome. I wonder why he screams....because it works you idiot!!! Pavlovian parenting at its best.


Anonymous said...

So frickin' awesome. I too hate screaming kids! ARG!

Tina said...

That's right. It's not the kid's fault, it's the mom for her bad parenting. No argument here!

Lisa's Yarns said...

I hate that too. I try to shop during non-peak times to avoid that, but it's pretty much always unavoidable. That is terrible that her mom was on the phone the whole time! Ridiculous. I wish people had to like apply to be parents or something. SOme people just should not have kids.

DJM said...

ahh I totally just posted on something similar then I read this! I didn't want people to think I was a horrible person, but SO true, the parents should be slapped!

Heathrow's World said...

Ugh, thats sad. Not sad that you think kids are brats, sad that people parent that way. I wondered why it was such a hard process to adopt our greyhound and yet any fool can create another human. Crazy.